
My photo
I need Jesus every day. I will always be grateful for my Salvation. Every day my desire is to invite God to be my guest of honor, so He may dwell in me for the rest of my life. I will always find the way to express my love towards Jesus. Something that isn't easy but is valuable in my life = Unconditionally Surrender. Over all I admire,love and I am amazed by my everlasting G.O.D!! Mi Familia is my best treasure. Africa is in my heart. I enjoy Soccer! I love Rain. I know my times are in thy hands & I pray He teach me to number my days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom. It makes me excited to know that everyday that passes, brings me closer to seeing Jesus~ But until then, I will keep running the race (: "But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24

Monday, June 6, 2011

Only one Life

Around this time of the year, I always get mixed with all kinds of feelings...Who am I to deserve His love?  ....
Only by His mercy.
Can I just mention how much I love to have Jesus in my life?. Can I even describe what I have seen throughout this last year?...... Definitely I have been redeemed.  I have been proclaimed by Jesus Christ.
I have been called to serve Him. I have been called for holiness.
I have been called to proclaim His name for the rest of my life.
In 2010 I was tested and challenged to......
" What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shall know hereafter." John. 13:7

In 2010 I learned to....
G.l.o.r.i.f.y H.i.s N.a.m.e
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as the Lord, and not unto them " Colossians 3:23

In 2010 I was exhorted to ...
  B.e. W.o.r.t.h.y o.f. H.i.s C.a.l.l.i.n.g
  F.u.l.f.i.l.l  a.l.l t.h.e. G.o.o.d P.l.e.a.s.u.r.e o.f H.i.s C.a.l.l.i.n.g
           a.n.d .t.h.e w.o.r.k o.f F.a.i.t.h w.i.t.h P.o.w.e.r

In 2010 I  desired with all my heart to...
B.e. a.n. E.x.a.m.p.l.e
" In word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. " I Timothy 4:11

In 2010 The Lord told me to ...
S.t.i.r u.p. t.h.e G.i.f.t o.f G.o.d

In 2010 I was reminded that
H.e  h.a.s n.o.t g.i.v.e.n m.e a  S.p.i.r.i.t o.f F.e.a.r.

In 2010 I have vowed that...
I w.i.l.l n.o.t b.e A.s.h.a.m.e.d o.f t.h.e T.e.s.t.i.m.o.n.y o.f .o.u.r L.o.r.d

In 2010 I became a warrior of Jesus Christ.
W.h.a.t E.v.e.r I.t T.a.k.e.s~ 
I will keep pushing forward.

 In 2010 I had t.h.e  P.a.s.s.i.o.n to....
M.a.k.e D.i.s.c.i.p.l.e.s

In 2010 I was inspired to...
H.a.v.e  P.r.o.g.r.e.s.i.v.e S.a.n.t.i.f.i.c.a.t.i.o.n

In 2010 I was blessed to read so many powerful Books. 
"God does not exist to make a big deal of us, we exist to make a big deal of Him. "
"My pain expands God's purpose "
" If we played the music the Maestro gave us? If we make His song our greatest song?  "
"You will never know Jesus is all you need, until He is all you have  "

 In 2010  Jesus and I, enjoyed ...
O.u.r T.i.m.e A.l.o.n.e i.n. t.h.e W.i.l.d.e.r.n.e.s.s

In 2010 I greatly felt His...
C.o.m.p.a.s.s.i.o.n & R.e.d.e.m.p.t.i.o.n

In 2010 My eyes saw the own glory of God...

In 2010 I was convicted that...
O.u.t.s.i.d.e o.f G.o.d, I. h.a.v.e .n.o. p.l.a.n o.f w.o.r.t.h

In 2010 He made me to Arise. Believe. and Keep fighting for my Future Generations.
" Thou therefore, gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee "
"This is my covenant with them, saith the Lord, My Spirit is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever " 

In 2010 I let the peace of the Lord..
R.u.l.e. m.y. H.e.a.r.t

In 2010 I denied Religion.... and began ...
D.a.i.l.y R.e.l.a.t.i.o.n.s.h.i.p w.i.t.h t.h.e A.n.c.h.o.r o.f m.y. S.o.u.l

In 2010 I was overwhelmed by His.
 I.n.c.o.m.p.a.r.a.b.l.e L.o.v.e & F.o.r.g.i.v.e.n.e.s.s
                     In 2010 God gave me a beautiful rhema....
 "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24~

In 2010 the everlasting God increased my excitement for E.t.e.r.n.i.t.y.

 I have been honored to have in my life, the Bread of Life, the Creator of Heavens and Earth, The Fountain of Life.  The Lion of the tribe of Judah. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob......
                                                        My God.

 I am eagerly looking forward to live 2011 with the
              N.e.v.e.r F.a.l.l.i.n.g G.u.i.d.e o.f. M.y. S.o.u.l
                             God. Jesus. Holy Spirit.
I know His presence will guide me, until I get at the end of my journey. 

"Only one life to offer, take it dear Lord; I pray nothing from Thee with holding....
Thy will I now obey my Jesus, thou who hast freely given, Thine all in all for me, claim this life 
for thine own, to be used, my Savior..... every moment for Thee."

I have lifted up this prayer before His throne, I will faithfully keep looking into His eyes.

I will serve You.  I will trust You. I will follow You. I will love You

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